Are The Sixers Just Getting All Of Their Bad Losses Out Of The Way Now When They Don't Matter? Next Question

If you live in the greater Philadelphia area and you’ve ever been anywhere near a radio on the day after the Sixers lose, you’ll know that the general mood of the city is always that the sky is falling and we’re all going to die. Pretty much every caller is “Joe from the top of the Ben Franklin Bridge” and his last words before jumping are “Brett Brown’s gotta go”.

So on Saturday night, the Sixers lost on a buzzer beater to a pretty bad Atlanta Hawks team. Surprisingly, the mood surrounding this team yesterday wasn’t overly negative. I think for once, people started to understand that this team is going to let a few opportunities slip through their hands. I mean sure, people were a little worried that this team is still struggling defensively and almost gave up 130 points to that Hawks team. But nobody was really calling for Brett Brown to get fired. Nobody was acting like the season was over. It was actually a pretty nice change of pace for once following a Sixers loss.

Then last night happened. And with Ben Simmons sitting out that game in Orlando, the Sixers got their dicks kicked in 119-98 by the Magic. And this morning, we’re about one step away from having people calling into the radio begging to just relocate the team to a different city because they can’t take them anymore. I’m here right now to say that all of those people are idiots and that Brett Brown is so much smarter than all of you peasants. How is that?


Just go back to last year. They won 16-games in a row heading into the playoffs. And how far did that get them? Well they couldn’t sweep the Heat and then they lost in 5 games to the Celtics in the 2nd round. Not great!

The Sixers were well on their way to doing the same thing again this year. They started to heat up in the middle of March. They racked up 6 wins in a row, with some of those wins coming against the Pacers, Bucks and Celtics. If the Sixers had continued that winning streak that started on March 10 against Indiana through the remainder of the regular season, they would have ended the season on a 16-game winning streak for the 2nd year in a row. Does Brett Brown really want this team heading into the playoffs without having to deal with any real adversity in over a month again? Heck no.

So what happens? The Sixers have a couple of stinkers here to break up the win streak. I’m not necessarily saying that they are losing these games on purpose, but I’m definitely saying that they are losing these games on purpose. It’s the perfect little wake up call that this team needs before heading into the post season. It sends them into the playoffs thinking that they’re not actually as good as they think they are, so they’ll need to work even harder in the playoffs. Brett Brown and the Philadelphia 76ers are out here playing chess while all the rest of you idiots are out there playing Uno.



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